24 Hr Signs and Vape
You just made my black list.
The shop looks sketchy. The name sounds sketchy. Perhaps that's because the whole place is sketchy? I want to be fair with these guys. In fact, I'm going to be unfair in favor of these guys. Having spoken to a driver who visited this shop when it was run by the elderly couple who run the CB shop and having been told by him that it used to be a decent place, I will give the new ownership the potential that perhaps they can turn it around. As for now, I'm going to say the nicest thing that I can about this place. It's a shit hole dump run by complete assholes who don't vape and simply want to overcharge you for vape gear. Other than that, it is a pretty nice shop.
I want to uphold my reputation here as being fair and unbiased in the reviews and vape shop listings I bring you here. I don't take a dime from anyone. There is no paid advertising on this site, and there is no way to buy a listing or review. While I do allow shops to submit themselves for review, I don't list a single shop that I haven't personally visited. While there, I don't tell shop owners or staff about the site and this listing until I'm headed out the door. I want the experience that I have to be representative of what the average customer gets when they walk through the door. The following is my experience at this vape shop in Indianapolis.
First, let me tell you about the two positives this shop has to offer. The first is location. Take exit 4 off of I 465 and head north towards the Pilot. They are across the service road from the Pilot, and across South Harding from Mr. Fuel. Additionally, there is a paid parking lot on their property, and another one behind the motel at the end of the street. Very easy access for truckers. 2nd, their e-liquid is very reasonably priced. 30 ml for $15. However, they only have one brand of nicotine e-liquid. The brand is called "Bonded". I've never before heard of it, and never tried it. Now on to the bad and the ugly.
My Visit
I delivered a load in downtown Indianapolis at 3 am on a Saturday morning. When I got empty, I headed over to the Mr. Fuel and found a parking spot. Shocker for a weekend morning. So, I look across the street and see the sight that you can see pictured below.
As you can see, the sign says "Signs/Vape" and below that is says "Signs 24 hours". Thus, I assumed this was a 24 hour location. I walked over. I was wrong. Now to be fair, it only says the sign shop is open 24 hours, so I walked over to the sign shop end. It was also closed. Since both businesses clearly list the phone number, perhaps they expected me to call in and they would send somebody over to open the shop? I don't know, but that isn't my style since I wasn't in need of something in particular, I was just wanting to check out the shop and see what catches my eye. I went to bed and went back in the afternoon.
I returned to the shop at about 3pm and it was open. I walked in and there was one employee on duty. During my visit, another one came in. They were both foreigners, although they spoke pretty good English. I point this out only because there is an Indian restaurant directly behind the vape shop, and I'm wondering if it's the same people that run this vape shop.
Anyhow, I come in and the guy starts selling me hard right out of the gate. "Are you looking to get a new tank" was the first thing out of his mouth. Now mind you, I'm vaping on a Rig Pig which is a series mechanical hybrid mod, meaning it only takes the Roughneck atomizer, or devices that are threaded for the Rig. It does not have the industry standard 510 connection. So to try to push back against the sales pitch, I show him the device and say that tanks won't work with this device. "All of our tanks will work with any device" was his reply, and that was what really set me off.
First off, I'm not a vape snob. Whatever works for you is fine with me. I was talking to a guy who was vaping a Vision Spinner with an EVOD clearo the other day. Good for him, it keeps him off the smokes. That being said, if you're running a vape shop you had damn well better know what a Rig Mod is, and at the very least you should know better than to try to sell a sub ohm tank to a guy who is using a series mechanical mod. At this point I started paying closer attention and I noticed that neither he nor the guy who had come in while I was there and sat behind the counter had a vape on them.
At this point I start asking him dumb questions just to see how he will answer them. "Will this atomizer fit on this mod?" He assures me that it will. Again, it was a Roughneck with no 510 adapter, and the mod in question was a Wismec RX300. He pulls a Smok Skyhook out of the cabinet and says "You should buy this mod", so I ask him if they sell coils for it. He assures me they do, and produces a pack of TFV8 coils. The Skyhook is an RBA device and doesn't take any premade coils. Then he shows me a Pangu atomizer. "This is a hot new tank and we only have one left, you should get it" he tells me. The Pangu, of course, is neither hot nor new. I ask if it will fit on my Rig Pig and again, he assures me it will. Of course, it won't and even if it could you would be a fool to use it on there.
At this point he tries to sell me on CBD liquids. For those who don't know, these are THC free hemp based liquids. I told him I wasn't interested. "They're healthy for you", he assures me. At this point, I was thoroughly disgusted and I left the shop without purchasing anything.
For those interested, the Skyhook mod was $99.99. It's around $60-$80 at most b&m locations. They had a Wismec RX300 leather edition for $159.99. I had purchased one at my local vape shop a month before for $69.99. They had a Sigelei mod for $199.99. I couldn't see which one because of the way the box was on the shelf, but I'm not aware of any $200 Sigelei mod on the market.
These guys are clearly just out to make a buck. If you are in need of some juice, than by all means stop and pick up a bottle to get you down the road to a better shop. However, if you're a new vaper needing a vape setup, do not trust these guys. They're going to sell you something, but they know nothing about vaping or the products that they are selling. They are incredibly overpriced, and they are just out to make a buck. I can't advise against this shop any stronger than this. They are a mess. Avoid this shop if at all possible.